Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Opportunity for Young Adults

The transition to adulthood is especially difficult in the modern world. Where once one had a supportive community that attended to the rites of passage, now when one finishes school, one finds that first job and buying the first home especially difficult.

The VillageTown pays attention. It provides special housing designed for and affordable by young adults under age 25 buying their first home. In planning for this youth housing, the young adults made it clear they preferred a youth zone, rather than interspersing such housing among older adults in other villages. This way they can dance in the street, have a climbing wall and pursue other activities that may bother older folk.
Through the Legacy Fund, the legacy managers work with local employers to ensure entry level jobs for recent graduates. Apprenticeships in the Industrial Park and Internships in the Commercial Town Center are specifically designed to enable young adults to gain that essential experience that empowers them to become competent, productive members of society.

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