Monday, August 19, 2013


Building for Life

Beauty, authenticity and character is paramount.


Look around at most new construction today. There is a certain cartoon look to it, even when it seeks to be showcase architecture, as with the new urbanism example in the upper left photograph. In examining what makes a place beautiful, authentic and full of character, it turns out not to be the patina of time, so much as what happens when the person or family who will live with the results has a say in how it is designed. They naturally implant their personalities on the buildings and open space.

It also stems from the hand of skilled artisans shaping the ornament and detail. In the upper row of photographs, almost all the components come from a limited repertoire of building supply store and catalogue products. The artisan is replaced by the component assembler.

In building the VillageTown, attention is paid to detail and ornament. Decisions are made by the families who will live in the building, and artisans will be invited to move to the job site to provide a higher quality of doors, windows, surface treatment and in the wall molding systems, unique and beautiful rendering.

Be one of the founders of the Eastern Missouri Village Town.  Help design a village that will be around for seven and more generations.  Join with us in developing a community of liberty, economic and individual.

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